Sorry for the lack of's ended up being a busy few weeks!
We continued our potty training efforts, and Carter is officially "potty trained" least enough to go to preschool!! :) We are thrilled that he started a new school this week, and he seems pretty excited too! Still working on making it through the night...and probably will be for awhile...but we're just so excited he's able to wear big boy pants now! :)
Last week & weekend ended up being busy as some of our relatives from KY came to stay because they were without water and power due to the ice storm. Carter enjoyed getting to hang out with his cousin, Ethan...the two even went to get a haircut together. We feel blessed that our family is close enough they were able to come down for a little warmth and fun!
On a separate note...Scott just filmed Carter playing the drums...I'll try to post a video soon!