Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Let it Snow!!

Greetings from Toledo, Ohio!
We awoke this morning to snow on the ground, and one really excited 3 year old! Needless to say, it was only a matter of minutes before he was asking to go outside to play. So Carter and I bundled up and headed out for a morning of fun...
We started with target practice by throwing snowballs at the trees, then we had a snowball fight of our own! (Well, some were just snow chunks...Carter hasn't yet mastered the art of forming snowballs.)
Next, we made snow angels side by side. Chilly, but beautiful. Then we waddled along the sidewalk like penguins.
Finally, Carter had the same experience I had exactly 10 years ago when I came up to visit Scott in was his first training in how to shovel snow off the driveway and scrape snow and ice off the cars. Fun, fun! Not too bad if you only do it once a year...but sure makes me thankful to be a southerner!! :)
Here are a few pics of us in our snow gear this morning, and a couple of Carter at Nanny's house last week with his second cousin, Ethan. They are just TOO cute in their matching PJ's, so I wanted to share this pic too!
Happy New Year!!! Love to all!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!

Christmas morning is extra special at our house...not only are we celebrating Christ's birth, but it's also Scott's birthday! Happy Birthday, Scott/Daddy...we love you!!! We've sung happy birthday, presents have been opened, and now we're enjoying some time together listening to the musical musings of our 3 year old drummer...Santa has made our son's year! Video footage coming soon...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Santy Claus

Two of the oddest traditions we have as parents...
1. Telling our kids not to take candy from strangers, but getting them all dressed up and taking them door to door asking for candy from strangers on Halloween.
2. Telling our kids not to talk to strangers, then putting them on the lap of a complete stranger, not to mention old man, for a quick photo op at Christmas.
Odd but at the same time these are traditions we want Carter to experience! :)
So, tonight we braved the mall traffic and sub-freezing temperatures to stand in line for close to an hour so our sweet little man could tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. Afterwords, he kept telling us that he and Santa were buddies, then stood at a distance waving and blowing him kisses. The twinkle in Carter's eye, excitement in his voice, and complete awe at the sights and sounds of Christmas made the wait well worth it!
We know that Christmas is not all about presents and Santa, and we read the Story of Christmas to Carter nearly every night. Even still, we don't want him to miss out on some of the wonders of being a child...the mystery, excitment, and thrill of this season.
May our response to Christ's birth be like that of Carter's to Santa tonight...may our hearts flutter, may our eyes twinkle, may we be filled with such joy we can hardly stand still!
May the joy of knowing Christ be the greatest gift you receive this season...
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, Carter!

It's hard to believe it, but our sweet son turned 3 on Monday. Even before he was born, other often well-wishing parents would tell me to enjoy every minute because "It all goes by so fast!" It sounded so cliche then, and yet now I am realizing just how true it is. I find each day I want to just soak up every moment with him and hope that the memories held in my mind's eye will forever remain as clear as the day they happened. Some of our most precious times together may not ever be captured on camera...bedtime prayers, snuggling at 3am (love it, but also ready for more sleep!), the first hug after Carter wakes up, hearing him say "I love you, Mommy."...just to name a few.
We celebrated Carter's birthday with family this year, deciding we weren't quite ready for the friend party...maybe next year?!? I hate that I didn't get pictures from his actual "party." As luck would have it, our camera battery was dead! So, the birthday pics on here are from his birthday dinner at Mineo's and first ride on his new bike...enjoy!
Hamming it up!


Carter and Daddy

A REAL bike! :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Packages and Bows!

This Christmas is already such fun with Carter. His eyes light up at the sight of Christmas decorations, he claps as we turn on the Christmas tree lights, and he cheers each time the Grinch's heart grows! It does feel a bit like we have a cat in the house, though. Why? Well, you should see Carter creep up to the Christmas tree and begin batting at the ornaments.. .
Last night as Scott and I were filling our supper plates, Carter was upstairs and it got suspiciously quiet. I called up to him, "Carter, what are you doing?" His reply with great joy in his voice, "I'm just opening my Christmas presents!!" I scrambled up the stairs and quickly pried the box from his sweet hands. Patience will be a difficult virtue to teach this Christmas!
Carter at Ally's house

Braxton, Adaline, and Carter--CHEESE!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Warm Up and Foul Shots

As promised, an update on how Carter's been spending his time. The video's a couple of minutes, but worth watching all his moves! I'm saving this one for when he plays in the National Championship for UNC!!! :)

Holidays for Heroes

I'll get back to my usual Carter blogging soon...but for now, I want to encourage you to help spread holiday cheer! Specifically, please take a moment within the next week to mail a card to one of our many deserving heroes serving our country.
The Red Cross is sponsoring "Holiday Mail for Heroes." The mailing address/info you need can be found on their website. Please join me in thanking those who sacrifice so much so we can enjoy the freedoms and security we so often take for granted.