Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Christmas Miracle!

Have you ever seen A Charlie Brown Christmas?  It's a classic, and I guess for that reason I feel obligated to watch it year after year.  At one point, they use the phrase "a Christmas miracle!"  In our house, this is a funny phrase to use to point out even the smallest thing that is good during the day or that blesses us.  

It all started about a year ago when our friends Chris & Dayna came to visit.  I remember Chris shouting "It's a Christmas miracle!" when he received extra cherries in his cherry limeade at Sonic.  It struck me as funny, and so we began to use the phrase for everything positive that weekend.  And hey, who doesn't get excited about extra cherries???

Now hearing the phrase again, a whole year later, I realize that it's really a great practice to get into.  Being joyful in the small things...not taking them for granted...being thankful for them.

And so, here are my most recent "Christmas Miracles!":
5. Carter didn't throw food on the floor at supper and he even fell asleep before 8!
4. We were able to get the check for my totaled car. (Thanks to my Dad!)
3.  I picked out something to wear today in less than five minutes (I'm usually such a girl about it, as Scott can attest to.)
2.  I get to have a much needed Girls' Night with some dear friends!  (Ladies--you ALL know how important this is...and what a miracle it is when you can actually work out the child care and hectic schedules!)
1.  Only a half day and a two hour day stand between me and Christmas break!

Miracles I'm still waiting on...
10.  Christmas break :)
9.  Winning the lottery (guess it'd help to buy a ticket)
8.  To actually enjoy shopping for jeans and bathing suits (Yuck!)
7.  To finish my Christmas shopping beforeChristmas day (and for the Christmas cards we ordered to arrive beforeChristmas has passed)
6.  For the rest of the "baby fat" to fall off and replace itself with lean muscle
5.  For the cleaning fairy to visit my house & it be spotless when I arrive home from work
4.  For the laundry to do itself (including the folding, ironing, and putting back in the closet)
3.  For Publisher's Clearing House to show up with my unclaimed $17 mil.  (Of course, I guess you have to actually enter for that to happen!)
2.  For the bills to pay themselves...
And drumroll for #1...
1.  A night of at least 8 hours sleep followed by a day to actually sleep in!

What have your "Christmas Miracles" been today?  
Love you all,
Sarah :)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Happy Birthday, Carter!

I hope I can make it through this post without tears! :)

Did it ever drive you crazy when your parents would reminisce on your birthday about the actual day of your birth?  OR were you one of those who, like me, enjoyed hearing the story told just one more time and thinking about the excitement of that day?  Despite the joy I found in those moments (and memories) I never imagined that I, too, would sit before my own child recounting the events of his birthday...but today I did and I loved every minute of it!

Our son was born on a Thursday.  I remember the details of the morning, following a long, somewhat scary night in the hospital, as though they were just a few months ago.  We were scared by Carter's quick, significant drop in heart rate from the moment they attached the heart monitors to my belly.  The repeated terror at the thought of losing this child that I had carried for 9 beautiful months was petrifying.  Nurses flocked to my side, my husband held my hand and gently brushed away my tears, and my family and friends gathered near to provide support and encouragement.   The umbilical cord had been wrapped around his neck, and my body was producing 7 minute contractions which only complicated matters.  After 11 seemingly endless hours, Carter was born by C-section.  Dr. Link (the best OBGYN anyone could have) had told us that just a few more hours and he might not have made it.  BUT, thanks be to God,  and to Dr. Link who later told us he'd felt God's prompting to have us come to the hospital a full day earlier than planned, we held our precious 7lb. 10 1/2 oz. baby in our arms.

It is hard to believe that two years have passed and here I sit now holding my "baby" who once expressed his love through snuggling and tears, but now can sit and say that not only does he love us, but he loves God.  My heart is full to overflowing with gratitude to God for blessing us with this child.  What a miracle he truly is...

All this leads me to reflect on what it must have been like for Mary to carry and give birth to Jesus.  What was it like to hold baby Jesus in her arms, knowing that he was The Child of God?On his birthday, would Mary and Joseph reminisce about their journey to Bethlehem?  As the years passed, what was it like for them to see Jesus teased, persecuted, and sacrificed on the cross?  I cannot imagine feeling the all-consuming joy of bearing the child of God only to experience such pain in seeing him put to death.  I am grateful today not only for the miraculous gift of Christ's birth, but also for the gift of salvation we have through him.  What a miracle HE truly is...

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Brag Spot

I know, I know.  This is a "blog-spot."  But for tonight, it is my "brag-spot."  While we are not to boast, I do think we are called to build one another up....and so, I wish to build up my husband.

For the single ladies out there, I'm sorry...but the ultimate "dream guy" has been officially off the market for 8 1/2 years now.  That's because I was blessed enough to become his bride!  
My husband, Scott, is an amazing person.  He is a tall, blonde, and handsome God-fearing man who is gentle, patient, diligent, loving, thorough, pays attention to detail, gifted in so many ways, musically talented, faithful, hard-working, kind, and the list goes on and on...

I am so proud to be his wife, and tonight I am especially proud of him.  He has put in many hours working on a CD project and concert through our church...from which, all the profits go directly to our mission partnerships in Africa.  Tonight's concert was incredible!  All of his hard work, organization, and sacrifice of time and energy as well as that of our Worship Arts staff made this evening a night to remember.  

That said, I want to thank him publicly for his efforts...AND for being such a wonderful husband and daddy.  I am so blessed!

If you are interested in hearing music from tonight's concert, check out our church's website.   Go to fellowshipnashville.org  There you can hear music from the CD "Ring the Bells" and even purchase the CD from the site.  The concert will be airing nationally through on the Worship Network (I don't know what that is locally, but there's probably info. about that on the church site, too).  Enjoy! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"I'm okay."

These two words have become a familiar phrase around our house.  Carter, being my son and having only known how to walk for half his life, seems to be a bit clumsy.  I guess we've asked him so many times now whether or not he's okay that as soon as he realizes there's the slightest possibility that he's been hurt, he utters the words, "I'm okay."

Well, today it's my turn...I had a car wreck this morning that may have totaled the car...but my response about the whole thing now is, "I'm okay."  A car turned in front of me while I was traveling at about 35-40mph.  Thankfully, no one was seriously injured.  Much to my surprise, the air bags did not deploy.  I credit my limited injuries to quick reflexes (although the nice knot on my leg is a direct result of my reflexes), but more importantly I am scrape free because of the grace of God and my SEAT BELT.  Were it not for that, my head would've surely hit the windshield.  Don't believe me?  Ask the glove that flew from my passenger seat up ontothe dash!  Crazy!

It's amazing how such an incident can effect you.  My day was turned upside down (and that of my knight in shining armor--my husband, Scott), I am horribly sore throughout my body, without means of transportation, concerned about what this could mean for us financially, and quite apprehensive about driving again (especially about driving with Carter in the car).  It is in moments like this that the "What if's?" can creep into your way of thinking.  But, as a believer I know that my God is in control...and today, perhaps, this was his way of slowing me down...I don't mean slowing my car down (by the way I was driving within the speed limit!)...I mean slowing my life down a bit. 

It's so easy to get caught up in life's busyness and in the little details.  As such, we miss so much of what life, and other people, have to offer.  
Today, I am thankful for the many times I have gotten in my car and God has protected my family in our travels.  Even as I stood waiting for the police to finish their report, I thought of these words from an old Amy Grant song..."Near misses all around me, accidents unknown, though I never see with human eyes the hands that lead me home.  But I know they're all around me, all day and through the night...got his angels watching over me."  God is so good.

I just want one moment to be on my soap box, and it's because I care...You can be the safest driver in the world and still end up in a wreck thanks to someone else's error...so PLEASE wear your seat belts and make your kids sit in the back! :)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Amen, ABC

We've not been great about taking pictures lately, but here's the most recent candid of our little one...  
Carter's been singing his "ABCs" seemingly non-stop.  He especially likes to sing the last two phrases, "Now I know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me."
Tonight, after saying his thank you prayer, he said "Amen," and sweetly sang "Now I know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me!"

Friday, November 30, 2007

Tis the Season!

Well the time has come...stockings are hung by the chimney with care (yes, even in November), the twinkle of Christmas lights reflect off the carefully placed ornaments on the tree (well, those that haven't been knocked off by tiny hands), a variety of Christmas albums are on perpetual play on the radio & my iPod (okay, so I only hear them in between Veggie Tales & High School Musical 2 which make the "Most Played" list in my car thanks to Carter), Christmas movies and specials can be seen most any night of the week (or thanks to the miracle of Tivo, any hour of the day and commercial free!), and Santa has found his throne at the mall (which he's been sitting on since Halloween).  

That's right, it's finally the best season of the year...CHRISTMAS fills the air!  While I know not everyone agrees with the focus on Santa, presents, and the "gimme" attitude it can foster, I pray that we can ALL enjoy both the magic of stepping into a child's view of Christmas--enjoying the break from reality and into the wonder of it all--and the celebration of the birth of our Savior.  It is so sweet to see and experience this season through Carter's eyes.  His excitement and thrill at the slightest hint of Christmas...from every Christmas light to every giant lawn ornament...it is all so new and wondrous to him.  
Of course, we are teaching him that Christmas isn't all about Santa and lights--but is about the birth of our Savior and the greatest gift we can ever receive...salvation through Christ.  

If you have never experienced a real, meaningful relationship with God, or if you're feeling distant in your relationship with him, I pray that this season might re-ignite in your heart the passion to pursue a relationship with Him.  May the same overwhelming excitement fill your heart each time you see Christmas lights and giant snowmen lawn ornaments as it does for our 2 year old---not because this is a season of giving, but rather that it is a season of receiving not just any gift...THE GIFT....JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!

May the Lord bless you and keep you... Numbers 6:24
Love to all~Sarah

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Carter Quotes...

Being the mom of a toddler is both challenging and amazing all at the same time.  The precious moments spent singing, praying, and snuggling together make up for every moment of temper tantrums--by far.

Carter has begun saying thank you prayers to God, sings Jesus loves me (but apparently "Bobby told [him] so" instead of the Bible), and is unafraid to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" or "Ring the Bells" at the top of his lungs while strolling through the mall or grocery.  

Because these moments are so priceless, I want to share some of them with you.  I have started a journal of cute quotes from Carter to give him when he graduates high school (sigh).  In the meantime, I thought it'd be fun to include some here for you to enjoy, giggle at, and sometimes tear up to as well!

That said, here's the first of our "Carter Quotes:"
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, 
How I wonder what you are.
Up a BUBBA world so high..."   

You're smiling already, aren't you? :)
Love to all~Sarah

Monday, November 26, 2007

Giving thanks...

So, obviously I'm already a big slacker.  I honestly forgot that I'd created this blog until I was just checking my email and saw my confirmation email that it had been created!  
But, since it's here, I think I'll share! :)

In this season of Thanksgiving and gearing up for the coming hustle and bustle of Christmas, I am reminded of just how much I have to be grateful for.  To list all the ways God has blessed me could take an immeasurable amount of time (and space).  That doesn't, however, mean that I can't still offer some words of thanks...

I am grateful for my family, for God's provision in meeting our needs (and often our wants), for good health, a place to call home, and His gentle (okay, sometimes rather blunt) reminders that He is a faithful, Sovereign, and omnipotent God.  

Monday, November 19, 2007

In the beginning...

Hi friends and family!
I have decided that it's finally time to join the blog-o-lution (Well, at least that's how it was described by Google!)
I'm hoping this can be a way to  communicate better about what's going on in our lives, but since I've not ever been that great at journaling, I'm not making any promises!  
Already, I have to take a quick pause from writing b/c Carter is running around me! :)  I will share more soon...
Love to all,