Monday, May 26, 2008

The Rain

As I write, we are having one of those 20% chance thunderstorms (that's now spanned a few hours). I'm in a reflective mood, so it got me thinking...Even when there seems to be little chance of rain or storm in life, we know that at some point it will rain.

Life is full of "pop up" storms. Road blocks appear in places we never expected. Hills turn into mountains whose summit seems unreachable. The valleys at times seem so deep we are engulfed by them. Life’s challenges are inevitable.

But for those who follow Christ, ours is a hope that calms the storm, moves the road block, gives us strength to press on and up the mountain, and lifts us out of the pit. Our hope is built on JESUS. It is a hope that cannot be replicated in any thing or anyone other than Christ.

No matter what your day has been like, or where you are personally, I pray you too can find comfort in knowing that God is faithful and in control...He is the one who holds the storm in place...He is the one with the power to calm it. While it's hard to understand, He sometimes brings the storm to require your dependence upon Him...He is the one who can see through the storm to the rebuilding and regrowth that will take place...He is the one who can see the benefit of the storm.

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8