Two of the oddest traditions we have as parents...
1. Telling our kids not to take candy from strangers, but getting them all dressed up and taking them door to door asking for candy from strangers on Halloween.
2. Telling our kids not to talk to strangers, then putting them on the lap of a complete stranger, not to mention old man, for a quick photo op at Christmas.
Odd but at the same time these are traditions we want Carter to experience! :)
So, tonight we braved the mall traffic and sub-freezing temperatures to stand in line for close to an hour so our sweet little man could tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. Afterwords, he kept telling us that he and Santa were buddies, then stood at a distance waving and blowing him kisses. The twinkle in Carter's eye, excitement in his voice, and complete awe at the sights and sounds of Christmas made the wait well worth it!
We know that Christmas is not all about presents and Santa, and we read the Story of Christmas to Carter nearly every night. Even still, we don't want him to miss out on some of the wonders of being a child...the mystery, excitment, and thrill of this season.
May our response to Christ's birth be like that of Carter's to Santa tonight...may our hearts flutter, may our eyes twinkle, may we be filled with such joy we can hardly stand still!
May the joy of knowing Christ be the greatest gift you receive this season...
Merry Christmas!