It's hard to believe it, but our sweet son turned 3 on Monday. Even before he was born, other often well-wishing parents would tell me to enjoy every minute because "It all goes by so fast!" It sounded so cliche then, and yet now I am realizing just how true it is. I find each day I want to just soak up every moment with him and hope that the memories held in my mind's eye will forever remain as clear as the day they happened. Some of our most precious times together may not ever be captured on camera...bedtime prayers, snuggling at 3am (love it, but also ready for more sleep!), the first hug after Carter wakes up, hearing him say "I love you, Mommy."...just to name a few.
We celebrated Carter's birthday with family this year, deciding we weren't quite ready for the friend party...maybe next year?!? I hate that I didn't get pictures from his actual "party." As luck would have it, our camera battery was dead! So, the birthday pics on here are from his birthday dinner at Mineo's and first ride on his new bike...enjoy!
Hamming it up!


Carter and Daddy

A REAL bike! :)