Greetings from Toledo, Ohio!
We awoke this morning to snow on the ground, and one really excited 3 year old! Needless to say, it was only a matter of minutes before he was asking to go outside to play. So Carter and I bundled up and headed out for a morning of fun...
We started with target practice by throwing snowballs at the trees, then we had a snowball fight of our own! (Well, some were just snow chunks...Carter hasn't yet mastered the art of forming snowballs.)
Next, we made snow angels side by side. Chilly, but beautiful. Then we waddled along the sidewalk like penguins.
Finally, Carter had the same experience I had exactly 10 years ago when I came up to visit Scott in was his first training in how to shovel snow off the driveway and scrape snow and ice off the cars. Fun, fun! Not too bad if you only do it once a year...but sure makes me thankful to be a southerner!! :)
Here are a few pics of us in our snow gear this morning, and a couple of Carter at Nanny's house last week with his second cousin, Ethan. They are just TOO cute in their matching PJ's, so I wanted to share this pic too!
Happy New Year!!! Love to all!!